President Obama's speech on his plan for job creation can't seem to come fast enough for America. Albeit, grown people make their own decisions and are responsible for them, the scarcity of jobs does play a role in the rate of crime right now. While nationwide unemployment stubbornly sits around 9 % and higher in some mid to major metropolitan areas, this has many people nervous and anxious. The unemployment rate is significantly higher for African Americans, which sits around 16%. Many of the few jobs that are out there are low paying and offer no benefits. Also, hundreds and even thousands of Americans at a time are still losing their jobs or finding out they will not have one soon. Republicans and Democrats go back and forth about which side’s ideas are better and will or will not work, but they are not the people feeling the burn of not having a steady income. So while politicians with their unjustified high salaries bicker and act childish with their egos, the average American citizen continues to struggle and fall deeper into financial holes. Most Americans still believe the country is set in a recession. In which some economists agree with them. There is no quick fix to this issue, but a resolution is needed like air is needed to breathe.
Due to there being a wide shortage of jobs, crime appears to be on the rise. People are finding ways to put money in their pockets and food on the table one way or the other. Men and women alike have found themselves breaking the law to feed themselves and/or their families. Crimes are ranging from petty theft, prostitution, burglary, robbery, money making scams online, and drug trafficking. Now, some people just have regular criminal tendencies and act out regardless, but for others desperate times call for desperate measures. Frequent “Smash & Grabs” in cities like Atlanta are definitely bold and desperate crimes to find money for reselling stolen merchandise. Clothing, liquor, and beauty supply stores are typical targets for these types of crimes. Law enforcement agencies and courts find themselves with a higher number of cases involving property theft and robbery as unemployment numbers steadily increase.
Without a constructive plan in place to progress America’s financial future including job creation, crime will continue to spiral out of control. It’s time for the government to step up and put some firm actions in motion that will truly benefit the American people sooner than later. Don’t talk about it, be about it!
I don't see crime lowering anytime soon, especially with the lack of jobs. People are depending more on the "system" to live.
ReplyDeleteNot only that but these so-called politicians can't ever agree on anything! I think it is time for them to step up and do their job!
ReplyDeleteA lot of it has to do with the state senators as well. Our state has the best employment rate it has had in YEARS, despite everyone else suffering. I give credit to our representatives for doing their job!