Saturday, August 27, 2011

The "What-if" theory concerning Michael Vick

It can be assumed by now that most football fans and many Americans in the general public have heard about the ESPN article - What if Michael Vick were white? This is a controversial subject, and honestly a never-ending topic anyway whenever race is discussed. In our opinion what if questions are never going to be answered with a real scenario because of the many variables that could exist. A couple of things make this article interesting to us; first ESPN really goes to the point of altering a photograph presenting Vick with a white face, and the article nonchalantly speaks of Vick and the "African American approach" to football as only natural talent.

The article writer while enjoying and appreciating the opportunity to see a Michael Vick play and the "African American approach", does not mention any belief or thoughts about Vick or African Americans possessing true skill from study of the game and hard work. Doug Williams and Warren Moon were likely the two most accomplished African American quarterbacks of all-time who did not play with the so called "approach." Given that it can be argued African Americans are naturally more athletic than their white counterparts, there is not a reason to label African Americans as having their own approach to football or any sport for that matter.

ESPN's article goes on to ask hypothetical questions as far as Vick's upbringing and quality of life as an inner city child. The question was presented what if it were a white player who enacted in the dog fighting activity that Vick did would they have received the same punishment. This is where the article dives into the background of Vick's existence from a child up until the dog fighting bust; and asks what if he grew up in a two parent household that whites usually tend to have.

There are some good things mentioned in the article overall. However, it fails to further discuss that even though Vick obviously committed a crime, sadly racism definitely still exists in America that leaves this so called what if story with a question unable to be answered like most what ifs. Though, race absolutely still plays a major role in how various situations are handled and confronted on a daily basis throughout America and it’s disheartening. Hopes are high that just maybe; one day this won't be the case.

The ESPN article or this particular blog is not about race and how it applies to right or wrong.

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